Company Legal Name
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Contact Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
How many years in business?
In which cities/towns do you operate?
Is your company a diverse supplier? Select all that apply.
“A business or non-profit organization that is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by Indigenous peoples, members of a visible minority group, women, those who identify as LBGTQ2+ or people with a disability.”
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour)
Not applicable
Can you provide the following, if awarded? (Select all that apply)
Contractors are expected to provide copies.
Liability Insurance ($5M)
Liability Insurance ($10M)
Health & Safety Training or Certificates (COR, WHMIS, training tickets, etc.)
WCB Clearance Letter
Willing to get a background check
Company belong to a Union
Worked with any financial institutions or government agencies requiring specialized security clearance designation
Insurance Expiry Date
Select the division(s) your company will quote
Select all that apply.
Project Construction (pre-planned program work)
Maintenance Services
Div 2 Existing Conditions
Div 2 Demolition
Div 3 Concrete
Div 4 Masonry
Div 5 Metals
Div 6 Carpentry
Div 6 Wood, Plastics, Composite
Div 7 Roofing
Div 7 Fire Life & Safety
Div 7 Thermal & Moisture Protection
Div 8 Drywall & Framing
Div 8 Automatic Doors
Div 8 Doors, Windows & Openings
Div 8 Automatic Doors
Div 8 Glass
Div 9 Finishes
Div 9 Flooring
Div 9 Painting
Div 9 Tiling
Div 10 Signage
Div 10 Specialties
Div 11 Equipment
Div 12 Furnishings & Upholstery
Div 15 Mechanical
Div 22 Plumbing
Div 23 HVAC
Div 26 Electrical
Div 27 Communication
Div 32 Exterior Improvements
Div 33 Utilities
If you have other specialties, please specify:
Please provide at least 2 references
Provide company name, contact person, phone and email.
Industry Experience
Provide a list of 5 recently completed projects including the following information: scope of work, where work took place.