RBC Wealth Management Podcast: Are you building a brand or a business?

Originally published August 21, 2019 on RBC Wealth Management.

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Have you met Ryan Murphy? Not the man… the brand.

Ryan Murphy is Calgary’s only female-owned and operated commercial construction firm. I spoke with co-founder Lara Murphy in a recent episode of I'm A Millionaire! So Now What? (listen and subscribe here) and we discussed what makes up their own unmatched ‘brand’.

When academics talk about branding and ‘unique selling propositions’ it can sound obscure and ambiguous. But we’ve all experienced the power of a strong brand.

When was the last time you chose Coca Cola over Pepsi (or vice versa) or Kate Spade over Coach? It’s more than just habit. It’s about more than just taste, preference or quality.

Businesses that sell products survive. Businesses that sell brands… they thrive.

Brands are built first on a story… then on delivery. Ryan Murphy Construction brings both.

Karen Ryan and Lara Murphy founded Ryan Murphy Construction Inc in 2008, striding into an industry dominated by men. The general contracting company provides construction, renovation, management and maintenance services. They handle a wide range of projects for a diverse range of clients in Calgary and across Canada, raising the bar on professionalism and quality.

Above and beyond the great story of two women ‘taking on the big guys’, Ryan Murphy Construction is also revolutionizing delivery in an industry known for delays, absentee trades, and ‘escape artists’ (contractors who step in, take deposits and then disappear).

Lara explained why that’s so important to them: “I often say that everyone has a bad contractor story… we are very cognizant of that. So a big part of what we incorporate in our delivery is transparency and communication and trust. That we can be there to guide the client through the process from early on to the very end. And we love the process. Our team loves it.”

A big part of a brand are the values, embraced and committed to by the whole team:

“We sub out our work to the trades and so they are a huge part of our make-up. And we really pride ourselves on building those strong relationships with the sub-trades because we’ve found that often, unfortunately, they are not always treated in the manner in which we would like to be treated ourselves. And so, we’ve really put a lot of emphasis on elevating them and making them a priority in our business.”

In strong brands, a unique company culture will fuel more great stories that the business then becomes known for:

“When we’re ready to hand over a project to clients we’ll have to incorporate what we call a Break-Up Party, because we get so used to being with them every day. Boom, we’re able to hand over their store, project, their clinic, studio, and there’s this sense of, oh my goodness, it’s over! The nice thing is Calgary, in particular, is a big city but has a small-town feel, so we’re often able to support the business after we’re long done the construction. And we make a habit of that. To continue to support who we’ve worked with. It’s a great formula and we have a lot of fun.”

The combined power of story and exceptional delivery has earned Ryan Murphy Construction recognition by Canadian Business Profit 500 (in part due to five-year revenue growth of

1131%!) and Chatelaine’s Top Female Entrepreneurs (W100).

So when you think of the brands you buy and support – what makes them different? What makes them preferable? How do you feel choosing one brand over another – what is it like to belong to that ‘club’?

And if it’s true that “Businesses survive. Brands thrive” – what do you see in your own business that contributes to its brand?

I stand behind the Self Made Nation. You are the engine of the Canadian economy and I support your initiatives! That’s what my podcast is all about. I’m a Millionaire! So Now What? shares inspirational stories, practical strategies, and fun frank advice for self made millionaires and entrepreneurs. If you have a business or you know of a business that deserves to be showcased, reach out with an introduction.

And -- just a reminder that O’Connell-Campbell Wealth Management is welcoming new clients, selectively. When you’re ready for a fresh perspective from a wealth management team focused on building and strategizing financial plans that optimize how you spend, save & share your wealth email us here.


RBC Wealth Management: It's a dirty job.


They Just Get It Podcast: E8 - Lara Murphy